Restaurante Urtegi
Hoy nos hemos pasado por el Restaurante Urtegi, un cliente habitual, y hemos querido hacer una pequeña entrevista, aquí os dejamos lo misma, os animamos a que la veáis. Entrevista Restaurante Urtegi
Temporada de Alubias en Larotura
Empieza la temporada de Alubias. Alubia tipo Gernika y tipo granate del Caserio Galarza de Balmaseda. Estas alubias son de semilla que nos ha donado la familia Galarza, son de dos tipos: «tipo Gernika» y «tipo granate». Es una alubia muy agradable de comer, y es muy apreciada por los que las conocen….
Gure Lurreko Merkatua «Enkarterri»
Mercado comarcal de productos de nuestra tierra. Los sábado seguimos organizando el Gure Lurreko Merkatua «Enkarterri», seremos una media docena de productores donde podrás encontrar productos como: pan, dulces, miel, verduras frutas, piparras, queso,…. Todo ello con el nominador común de estar elaborado en la comarca, ser producto de km 0, que se caracterizan por estar elaborados de forma natural y…
Health Benefits of a Raw Food Diet
As more and more people are turning to more organic lifestyles and trying to improve their health through adopting better eating habits, there are also many people going one step further and enjoying the health benefits of a raw food diet. In this article I am going to firstly look at; why so many people are choosing raw foods over…
5 Ways to Live an Organic Lifestyle
Organic living is a lifestyle in a way that is healthy for you and the environment. The term “organic” has several definitions, and many people are still confused by it. As for foods, organic means foodstuff that did not go through fertilization and pesticides. As for living, organic simply means a healthy lifestyle, much as the foods that are not…
9 Superfoods you should be eating
Superfoods are foods that contain a high level of various vitamins, minerals and other components that are beneficial for one’s health. These foods have a great nutritional value and protect us from various diseases. Keep reading in order to find out what are the foods you should definitely include into your diet. Acai This fruit belongs to family of berries…